I help people like you to heal from the inside out to get your happy back

Sara Herring

Accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist, ThetaHealing Master and the Head of the Academy of Hypnotic Science

Life has thrown many things my way over the years, just recently, cancer, that was a wake-up call, I never thought that I, a holistic therapist would have! The cancer has all gone now, it was a trauma and a shock to my system that I didn’t need but I wasn’t looking after me, I was so busy looking after others, family, clients, friends even strangers that I’d forgotten about me….then BAM…..hello you have endometrial cancer.

You see I’d stopped listening to my body, too busy with others, I’d noticed the decline in energy, the sleeplessness, the bleeding, the anxious feelings, but thought it would be all ok, because to me it was only menopause, and I would be through that soon, I had the tools to cope, but I ignored the signs! You see it was easier to keep going than to address the internal issues that were circling.

When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, vestibular neuronitis and other diseases I looked and dug deep inside, releasing the negativity that was holding them in place.

I know what it’s like to live the nightmare of an abusive relationship, and to go through the agony of court to get custody of my children, to be stalked, to walk on eggshells, constantly living in fear.

The more knowledge I gained the more I could let go of

So here I went again because of the cancer….looking inside, taking time to do this.

Having a full hysterectomy stopped me in my tracks, making me concentrate on me, it wasn’t easy…. however I did it, receiving the all clear was a relief, but at that moment I realised that I had a choice and I’d chosen to live.

I didn’t want to fight anymore I wanted to be at peace, this was a realisation that I had the control back, nothing and no one was going to control me ever again, and I know that pain and suffering is part of life but it’s my choice now, and I choose happiness, health and wellbeing.

I am not a survivor I am a thriver! I am helping others, it’s my mission. I understand.

I have my life back

I can now think straight, that numbness has been released from the inside, I can do things right, I just know things, and I know who I am and I'm happy being who I am, I'm no longer thinking it's all too hard.

I went through this alone, you don’t have to, I can help you, I know your pain, your fear, your anger, your trauma, and how you live behind a mask. I’m still here and know it’s to help you live again, to be free, healthy and vibrant, living a life of passion.

I can honestly say that healing starts within, it is an inside out job.

It’s a decision we make on some level to be better than we are now, that knowing that things can be healthier and happier. I know as I have had to look deep inside to bring me back to living.

Today I’m following my dreams, I run a successful therapy practice, I'm the Head of the Academy of Hypnotic Science, and helping others, to delve deep within to change without, working on eliminating trauma, guilt, burdens, and negative beliefs, to bring back happy.

Nothing is impossible if you dare to believe!

With love and laughter, Sara

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Sara Harring - Melbourne Clinical Hypnotherapist

Being a clinical hypnotherapist, I am a member of the AACHP, and Accredited with the HCA, all Australian associations. This means that I am properly trained and my qualifications are government accredited, meaning that I am adequately insured and professionally supervised. I regularly undertake ongoing professional development so you can be assured that I am up to date with the latest developments in this profession and the techniques. I am also bound by the Associations’ Code of Ethics.

Melbourne Clinical Hypnotherapist
Theta Healing Master
Head of the Academy of Hypnotic Science
Trainer, Assessor & Speaker
Pioneer of Womb with a View Protocol


  • ThetaHealing Master

  • Diploma Clinical Hypnotherapy (Government Accredited)

  • Diploma Counselling (Government Accredited)

  • Cert IV Clinical Hypnotherapy (Government Accredited)

  • Cert IV TAE

  • Ego State Therapist/Resource Therapist

  • Clinical Resource Therapist

  • NLP Master Coach

  • NLP Master Practitioner

  • Virtual Gastric Banding Therapist

  • Past Life Regression Therapist

  • First Aid Certificate

  • Diploma Beauty Therapy

  • Mother

Let’s get you started on your personal healing journey, today.