You can have a session no matter where you are in the world!
Sessions are either in person in Melbourne, Australia, via Zoom or by Telephone.
To prepare for a session, take time to think about what it is you would like to change. Working together we find the blocks that are stopping you, looking at patterns, habits, fears, emotions, or whatever is in your subconscious. Using a theta brain wave to access your subconscious we can release that which no longer serves you, letting go of the old to make room for the new, for how you want to feel. Working together to find the cause of your disharmony, disease or issue. This is all done in a safe, relaxed environment. The session is uniquely just for you as you are unique.
Theta Healing
Theta Healing is a powerful technique that quickly allows you to identify self limiting beliefs, resolve blocks and reprogram your subconscious mind. With Theta Healing you you can manifest your dreams, create miracles and live the life you want to live.
Your beliefs create your reality, it's possible using the theta brain wave to release memories stored in your cells of past traumas, as well as any beliefs you have taken on from others, society or your ancestors. Your old belief systems colour the way you react and respond to situations and stress can negatively impact your health. Allow yourself now to discover your endless potential for health, wealth and happiness.
Just take a moment and think of the areas of your life and what could be changed, the possibilities are endless, what is stopping you being the best version of you? Health and Happiness are natural states, yet we spend our lives searching for both.
Subconscious beliefs can be the reason why things don't work out for you e.g. ‘I'm not good enough,’ or ‘I I can't be successful.’ These beliefs determine your reality. Using the Theta brain wave allows you to come back to your true essence to be healthy and free, with new feelings and positive energies, which are introduced into every cell, every area of your life and every fibre of your being.
Theta Hypnotherapy
Stuck in a pattern of overwhelm, frustration, despair, confusion, dread, have headaches, body aches, physical discomfort, feel empty, lost, numb on the inside? Ready to put you back in control of you and live the healthier happy life?
Say goodbye to unmanageable Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Phobia’s, Bad Habits, Insomnia and other issues that you may have.
Feel happier, healthier, and more in control of your life.
Hypnosis is a natural safe trance.
It is a tool that allows you to change areas in your life. Helping you to live the life you truly deserve.
All you need is to be ready and willing to be helped, and hypnotised.
I will simply guide you the rest of the way……it’s that simple.
Hypnosis can help you with many, many areas of your life…
Social Anxiety
Exam Nerves
Manifesting Goals
Eliminate Allergies
Nail Biting
Healthier lifestyle
Weight Loss
To Stop Smoking
Insomnia/Poor Sleeping Patterns
Fear of Speaking in Public
Confidence Building
And so much more…
The subconscious stores all of our memories, habits and beliefs, it drives your automatic processes like breathing, speaking, moving; however sometimes faulty data is stored there and this results in problematic behaviours and emotional issues. I can help you identify and correct these problem areas and issues.
How I Work With You
“I am unique in my approach to your issues; I use all that I have learnt, my intuition and my 35 years of learning to help you. As you are unique, so will your session be, as I work with you and your belief systems.
I look forward to meeting you and working with you to achieve the results and find the solutions you have been looking for.”

“Sara is amazing, I did not think I could be hypnotised as I have strong fears of not being in control. I found that with Sara guiding me, I was in trance yet still very aware and in control. The trust was there to let me uncover my blocks to bring to my awareness what needed to be clarified and cleared to help me to move forward.”